Say No

                                                          To do something different

             How to do something different? what does this queston means. there is so many answers to this question. for some people to do something different means to wear new style of clothes. on the other hands for some people to do something different means  to do something that they never did. Absolotly all of them are right. is it means to keep silent for a day or to talk a lot, is it to make your close friends enemies or make your enemies  closer friends, is to be a good person or a corrupt one. to do something different have consequences, it makes you feel different sometimes, it is up to your character. Would you tell me what does to do something different means to you? sometimes when you try to do something different means to be you yourself , and how to be yourself. try to say NO, it is hard to say that short and simple word sometimes. most of people  can not say it to a spesific kind of people, it is not wrong to say YES to your parents or your closers. but when you keep saying yes to everyone it becomes a big problem to you. It makes you looks weak to the others, and there are right , maybe you keep saying YES because you don't have the courage.  But keep in mind that everyone in this world have an inner power , which is  self-confident you only have to find it , it is right there somewhere in your soul, find it and use it with a positive thinking that make you so much stronge. it make you a normal person; normal person can say NO . So ask yourself  why you keep saying YES to everyone ?


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