Linguistics / The definition of informal learning



The definition of informal learning        

The concept of informal learning addresses the variety of definitions of this term used by different researchers and theorists in the field. Informal learning is term commonly used as if there is a general agreement as to its meaning. The way in which people use or learners use the term, shows significant differences of meaning for term because of its relation to all human activities concerning language as well. Morocco is a country in which different local and foreign languages have been used and taught in a naturalistic context. A naturalistic context that is concerned with a study of a particular thing that can be a language or something more than just a language, it can be a craft or more, it means all human activities in general sense.  Informal learning can be defined as a particular way of learning which arises from the activities and interests of individuals and groups. In Morocco English and Spanish are the most languages have been used and have taught both in formal way and informal setting. However, English becomes the popular language that most of Moroccan people seek to acquire, either as a second language or as foreign language for different purposes. Firstly, I am going to define what we mean by informal language learning in a short definition. Moreover, I will move to explain what an informal language is, how it is differ from a formal language, then I will move to mention when we see this informal type of languages.

Generally speaking, informal learning is related to all human activities that takes place outside of a formal structured environment. This type of learning is never organized. Rather than being guided by a rigid curriculum, it is often thought of experiential and spontaneous. In other words, the informal learning can be defined as anywhere learning, except structured classrooms such as schools and universities. We can call the informal learning, street learning or home learning. Although the formal learning of languages is concerned with the study of languages that occurs inside the structured classroom, sometimes we can find informal languages learning inside formal settings, when peers interact between each other, but it is not typically classroom based or highly structured.

 Informal learning is happening around us all the time, it can take place at any time, completely and unexpectedly. For instance, it often happens as we observe our more experienced colleagues. It also happens when we strike up conversations with our peers and pick their brains for tips and tricks. It even happens through trial and error, once we begin a task and experiment with new approaches.

According to Jay Cross “informal learning is like riding a bike. Riders choose the route and the speed at which they want to travel. They can take a detour mid-journey if they choose, or even join a group of other riders to enhance their experience”. That is to say that informal learning is unlike the traditional method of learning which contain limited courses and specific destination. Informal learning is a type of learning that happens every day, whether we realize it or not. It happens most of time through interaction between individuals as participants, however it occurs sometimes between learners that works as groups, to make more effort the thing that allows to members two important things  . First to get both new relations with other members whose are just learners like them or sometimes native speakers of a particular language if they were lucky. The second thing groups of this type of learning allows to his members is knowledge. People of different countries and different ages are not equal in terms of knowledge and in terms of performance. So, Informal learning is the name given to learning that is unstructured and takes place away from traditional, formal learning settings, like a classroom. It has no clear goals or set objectives as it is often unplanned and self-directed by the learner himself.



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