
Showing posts from March, 2021

Say No

                                                          To do something different              How to do something different? what does this queston means. there is so many answers to this question. for some people to do something different means to wear new style of clothes. on the other hands for some people to do something different means  to do something that they never did. Absolotly all of them are right. is it means to keep silent for a day or to talk a lot, is it to make your close friends enemies or make your enemies  closer friends, is to be a good person or a corrupt one. to do something different have consequences, it makes you feel different sometimes, it is up to your character. Would you tell me what does to do something different means to you? sometimes when you try to do something ...

Social media and its benefits

                                                       Social media  ⦁ what do we mean by social medi? Social media are means of communicaton between people. But before evrything, we must know what does communication  means. communication is an exchange of information between  two people or more,two animals  or  more through a specific  language; peolpe have thier owen languages, animales have thier owen languages  too. The important  one in our artecl is  human languages as a prancipale in soocial media. long time ago, peaple used to write letters as the olny means of communcation( to send messages) which costs alot of time to be recieved smoetimes  about a mounth sometimes about a week. after  social media show up communication  between people becomes faster and easier. people newadays ...


     Fear and our Abilities Overcoming fear is one of my biggest challenges there are several ways I have learned to try and overcome that fear is stop doubting myself when it come to taking on a new task. Always keep a positive attitude even when I think negative. Because of my fear unfortunately I have missed out on several opportunities that could have been very positive. What I have also learned about overcoming fear is never be afraid of opportunity.Learning how to face your fears head on is a great way to overcome fear as well. Once you overcome fear it can be life changing. It's very important to understand that people have different abilities. Every person is different and unique. We don't have the same qualities, we don't have the same qualifications, we don't have the same interests. We have different minds. That's why you don't have to be frustrated when you don't learn as quickly as somebody else does. You don't have to catch up with everyone...

To be yourself

            How to be yourself? Who to be yourself?  It might be a strange question to the the reader. Most of people through the world don't know what does the statement means (to be yourself). Most of them didn't know how to be that character, or they already know what does it mean. But it looks difficult to them, it looks wrong to them. To be yourself actually means to feel comfortable with yourself and your decisions, acting as a normal human being. It is not wrong to be different, because people are different, we have different cultures, different colors and different languages,...etc. There are many steps to follow: Step number one:  Believe in yourself. All people have an inner power and energy, look for them and use them. That power will make you think positively about everything; about yourself, about your goals, about your friends and about society,...etc. Expect the best and will get the best. Expect the worst you will get the worst. St...

What is a business meeting?

         What is a business meeting?           A business meeting is  an event and a gathering of two or more of people, to discuss things that concerned a company business. A business meeting can be inside a company or online, when participiants can join to the the meeting from anywhere. The purpose of business meeting is to make decisions regarding the company or the organization. Sometimes about departmental issues, a larger organization matter, or about an emergency case. Agenda is an important thing in business meetings. It is not wrong to tell participiants that they need it to write their topics and ideas.       Types of business meeting: There is many types of business meeting (more than five). Business meetings can be daily or weekly. The taxonomies types of business meeting are;  Congenial Meetings, Formal Meetings and Intense Meeting. 1) Status update Meetings. 2) Decision-Making Meetings. 3) Problem-...

Hot to be successful

            To be a successful person in life, means to a lot of people achieving financial freedom, or have a good job. But actually being successful  is not necessarily about being rich or winning rewards. Some people want to learn how to be successful in life. Because, their parents or friends have their definition of success. But their definitions are not for you. Here success become a personal to you.   Most of people obsess over how to be   successful , we all want to feel like we matter. But if you really want to be successful and happy, because success achieve happiness, you to  stop looking for silver bullet.   You may wander why i said that?  The answer is, as you see in the glob there are many people have a great wealth but they didn't achieve any thing yet. They live in sadness and the fact is that they only achieve others goals. So you have to  start creating your own goals.  Your goal can be an...

What is public speaking?

                       The definition of public speaking: Public speaking and debating is  a kind of presentations, in which a public speaker present or deliver a group of informations to a group of people, which called " The audience". Either to convince them or to educate about a thing, with arguments. It would be erroneous to presume that effective public speaking means only delivering speeches to a huge audience from a podium. When  you successfully  undergo a  course  in public  speaking  you will  learn the following  invaluable skills which will  help  you in  making  an  effective  presentation to even an  audience  of one.  1) public speaking helps you to improve your skills in presentations. 2) your self-confident get stronger. 3) you will learn to present all your thoughts i a few words as possible. 4) you will learn to control ...